This stuninhg 100% 13x4 lace front human hair wig can be coloured, bleached and heat-styled without jeopardising the softness or super glossy finish of this high-grade hair.
- More Natural
- Maximum Comfort
- Longer Lasting
- More Manageable
"This Wig is Suitable for NHS Cancer Patients"
Natural Body 13x4 XXL HH Lace Front HH Wig
To ensure your new human hair will look its best for the longest possible time, please follow these simple care instructions.
Before washing your wig, always use a wide-tooth comb to get rid of tangles. Start combing from the ends of the hair and slowly work your way to the top. This will help to avovid breaking from tugging on the hair.
Using ball-head pins and your care mannequin, secure your wig with pins at thre top, both templates and both side of the nape. Ensure that the wig is flush to the care mannequin so that it is properly "blocked" from water pressure.
First, completely wet your hair so that there are no dry parts. Once the hair is wet, sork shampoo into the hair by stroking it down from the top to the tips. Never use circular motions! Your hands should always follow the natural direction of the hair when you wash your wig.
Do NOT apply conditioner to the roots! Putting conditioner to near the roots shampoo completely from the hair. Work a generous amount of conditioner into the hair starting at the ends and working your way up. Stroke your hands gently through the hair to conditioner. Rinse well.
Towel Dry & Air Dry
Once hair is free of product, use a towel to pat and squeeze out the water. Do not rub. Then follow the three step guide below and air dry your wig overnight.
- Lay Flat on towel
- Fold both sides over
- Gently twist towel
After you have towel dried the wig, put it back on your mannequin to air dry overnight. It is preferable to let your wig air dry as heat styling tools are not healthy for human hair.
Medical Wigs
"This Wig is Suitable for NHS Cancer Patients"
Since the days of Cleopatra in 18th Dynasty Egypt, hair has been associated with femininity, health and power and to this day most of us take our hair for granted until such time we lose it due to medical reasons such as chemotherapy treatments, alopecia, female pattern baldness, and naturally thinning hair.